Friday, August 13, 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sun 1st Aug

With the First Blossom comes the wind. It was very difficult to take photo of blossom as the wind is moving it around to much.

Sat 31st July

purchased some more wool for baby jumpers, was hoping to get mum interested in knitting while she is in hospital but she is not well enough yet.

Fri 30th July

Thurs 29th July

Shane now has my old car, he has spent the day cleaning it because he is having it lowered tonight he wanted some before and after shots.

Wed 28th July

Tues 27th July

Monday, July 26, 2010

Mon 26th July

knitting for little babies in Africa

Sun 25th July

Reading a good book

Sat 24th July

Fri 23rd July

Visiting mum in hospital

Monday, July 19, 2010

19th July

Maddie has a ritual with my husband, when he goes to get changed in the afternoon Maddie likes to get dressed as well

Sun 18th July

Sat 17th July

Not the best day in my life, everything seemed to turn to poo today.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Fri 16th July

I have had my new car about 2 weeks

Thursday, July 15, 2010

15th July

collecting bark to light the fire

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

14th July

Flood in the creek not far from Margs house

13th July

Shopping makes me feel better

Monday, July 12, 2010

12th July 2010

Hi everyone, the picture of the tree describes perfectly how I have been feeling just lately. I am still alive , still good friends with Marg ,but have been sick and have gone into Winter hibernation
Just starting to feel a little better so I might get back to the camera and blog.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sun 7th June

sat 6th June

This is my nephew lachlan's 2nd birthday party, my sister made and decorated the birthday cake. As Lachlan loves tractors .

Friday, May 28, 2010

Fri 28th May

Victoria ( in the red above) nominated me for a Public Education Award, which I was then short listed for.Unfortunatly I didn't win , an assistant fron Jervis bay won ( the blonde lady). However it was a nice evening and felt nice to be appreciated.
Photos's being taken after the award ceremony

The finalist slide show that was being show during the night

Thurs 27th May

This is a letter that was in the funeral service book for Benny Ray. It was written by one of his Aunt's . When she was praying for Benny , this is what she believe's he said to her.
I think it is just beautiful and such a wonderful thing for all the young people that attended the funeral to receive.

So please enlarge and have a read but be ready to shed a tear or two