Friday, May 28, 2010

Fri 28th May

Victoria ( in the red above) nominated me for a Public Education Award, which I was then short listed for.Unfortunatly I didn't win , an assistant fron Jervis bay won ( the blonde lady). However it was a nice evening and felt nice to be appreciated.
Photos's being taken after the award ceremony

The finalist slide show that was being show during the night

Thurs 27th May

This is a letter that was in the funeral service book for Benny Ray. It was written by one of his Aunt's . When she was praying for Benny , this is what she believe's he said to her.
I think it is just beautiful and such a wonderful thing for all the young people that attended the funeral to receive.

So please enlarge and have a read but be ready to shed a tear or two

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sat 15th May

I started a new craft today, the roses are my first attempt at Parchment craft. It took 3 hours to learn to make the rose card. In Lesson 2 i will learn how to colour and perforate the card.

Fri 14th MAy

Thurs 13th May

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wed 12th May

Tues 11th May

Collecting native seeds to germinate for the farm

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sat 8th May

Sheep ready to go in the shed so they will be nice and dry for crutching in the morning

Fri 7th May

Sometimes my dog acts more like a cat ,she really is a bit big to sit on the back of the lounge.

Thurs 6th May

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tues 4th April

I took my quilled Peacocks to work and now everyone wants one. Who said quilling was old fashion. But the take a long time to make.

Mon 3rd April

Made by me!